7 Myths of Fiber Internet

Even though it’s been around for decades, fiber-optic internet is still often seen as new technology, because of this there are often many misconceptions and myths that surround it. These myths often make fiber internet seem not as safe or reliable as traditional copper connections which couldn’t be further from the truth! 

8 Ways to get more out of your internet connection

8 Ways to Get More Out of Your Internet Connection.

We love the internet and we love it, even more, when we can access it from any point in the house. But sometimes due to a range of reasons you can’t quite get it to where you need it! If this is something you’ve found yourself struggling with, we are here to share with you some tips on getting the most out of your internet connection! 

10 Awesome Facts About Fiber-Optic Internet

Fiber-optic technology has really taken off in the last decade, and with the increased interest we keep finding out more interesting facts about what it can do! Join us as we share our top 10 fiber-optic facts that prove how incredible it is.