Internet Terminology Decoded: A Digital Guide to Internet Terms You Should Know

Whether you’re a casual internet browser or a digital native, I think we can all agree that in this ever-evolving digital world, understanding the terms used on the internet is crucial to utilizing it successfully. From long acronyms and obscure memes to movie phrases and slang terms, it can be hard to get a clear grasp of what’s being said online. So get ready to join us on a digital deep dive into the internet lexicon as we shed some light on internet terminology to help you better understand what everyone is talking about!

First, let’s talk about the technical terms that people use when discussing connecting to the internet. Knowing terms like these can help you better understand the service you are getting and might help you troubleshoot any problems you may have in the future!

GbpsGigabits per second. Sometimes shortened to Gigs.
MbpsMegabits per second. Sometimes shortened to Megs.
BitOne binary digit. Often seen as the smallest unit a computer can process. Used in terms of internet speeds. Ex. 1 Gigabit = 1,000,000,000 bytes
ByteA unit of memory storage. Ex. Megabyte (MB), Gigabyte (GB), Terabyte (TB), etc.
BandwidthThe range of frequencies within a given band used for transmitting a signal. You can take a bandwidth test to test how fast your internet is.
BroadbandBroadband internet is any internet connection that has a minimum of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds. You can get broadband internet through a couple of different connections most notably cable, DSL, satellite, and fiber optics.
ISPAn Acronym that stands for Internet Service Provider. Describes the company that provides you with internet speeds and gives you to access the internet.
FiberA broadband connection that uses fiber optic cables and light to transfer data at 70% of the speed of light. This results in much higher internet speeds as well as consistent upload and download speeds.
RouterA networking device that connects multiple devices together forming a local area network (LAN). It is responsible for routing traffic between the different devices on your home network and the internet. Most routers will come with a built-in wireless access point or Wi-Fi access point, which is used to connect devices to the internet remotely.
FTTHStands for “Fiber To The Home”. This describes a fiber connection where you have a direct fiber line that isn’t shared with anyone else.

Now let’s jump into the more nuanced internet culture terms that will help you under what people are talking about!

MemeAn image, video, song, or phrase that is used to convey an often humorous or relatable scenario. A Meme’s formatting is often changed and adapted as it is spread across the internet.
ViralThe action of becoming widely popular or famous in a relatively short amount of time.
HashtagAny text following a # sign on a social media post. These hashtags help categorize social content into easily searchable categories.
SelfieSelf-portrait taken of yourself taken by yourself. Usually with a digital camera or smartphone held at arm’s length.
TeaGossip or exciting information about yourself or someone else.
SlayTo perform an action or reach a goal with exceptional success. Often used as a way to praise someone else’s achievements.
VlogStands for “Video Blog”
BoujeeAlso spelled “Bougie” is used to describe things that are fancy, high class, expensive, or elegant.
FireA word used to describe something that is extremely good.
MoodA word used to describe a state of mind or feeling that someone identifies with.
SaltyA word used to describe someone who is bitter, upset, or resentful.
GIFA short looped video or graphic.
NoobSlang for “newbie”. Used to describe someone who is brand new and inexperienced at an activity.
YeetThe action of throwing something with force. Can also be used to express excitement or approval.
SusA slang term meaning “suspicious”.
JerrySki term describing someone who is new to the activity.
GucciA slang term meaning “good” or “cool”
CapUsed to describe something that isn’t true or point out someone who is lying.
No CapUsed to describe something that is true.
Bye FeliciaA popular phrase that originated from the 1995 film “Friday”. It is most commonly used to dismiss someone and show that you are unbothered or uninterested in what they are saying.
QueenA term often used in motivational or empowering contexts to encourage a sense of self-worth or success.
Girl DinnerA term used to describe an often random assortment of foods that women sometimes eat and call dinner. Ex. a piece of toast, a handful of cheese, and a juice box might be considered a “girl dinner”
RizzShort for “charisma”. Used to describe someone’s ability to charm those around them.
PeriodA slang term used to emphasize a point or to assert the truth of something.
GaslightA form of psychological manipulation where a person sows seeds of doubt to the degree that others begin to question their memory or recollection of a situation.
OGStands for “Original Gangster” is used to describe someone who is the first to do something.
IRLStands for “In Real Life”
LOLStands for “Laugh Out Loud”
OMGStands for “Oh My God”
TBHStands for “To Be Honest”
IDKStands for “I Don’t Know”
NGLStands for “Not Going to Lie”
GOATStands for “Greatest Of All Time”
FTWStands for “For The Win”
ICYMIStands for “In Case You Missed It”
IYKYKStands for “If You Know You Know”
FOMOStands for “Fear Of Missing Out”
FRFRStands for “For Real, For Real”. Used to emphasize the truthfulness of a statement.
POVStands for “Point Of View”

Thank you for joining us on this journey through internet terminology! We hope that this will provide you with useful insights into the diverse world of online language, and help you to navigate the internet’s vast landscape with a better understanding of what’s being said!